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Top Minecraft Servers Search Results

Rank Server Votes
Volantis icon
Rank 282

IP: Volantis is a unique SMP experience. With a thriving player economy and lots of custom features there's always something to do! Enjoy Custom Enchants, Jobs, Crates, Custom Drops, PvP Events, Building Competitions, Silk Touch Spawners and Much More! New features are added all the time! We have a professional staff that can assist in any problem you may have, and we're continuing to seek more mature players to add to our staff team and player base. Players are able to relax in voice chat on Discord and not worry about too serious Admins looming over their head. Our players are mature enough to not need constant supervision. Join the Discord here: We currently have 100+ members and still growing! Stop by to join voice chat, or just to chat with those in text on the minecraft server.

Beautiful World [1.8-1.13] icon
Rank 287
Beautiful World [1.8-1.13]

!!!Minecraft BW Сервер !!! Версия игры 1.8-1.13 OnlineMode: false У нас есть : Выживания СкайБлок СкайВарс БедВарс Миниигры Креатив И много другое

Mystic Realm Network icon
Rank 356
Mystic Realm Network

Welcome to Mystic Realm! We are a network with Kit PVP and currently expanding. With custom plugins, you're bound to love us! Also, make sure to apply for staff!